Month: January, 2020

28 Jan

Everybody wins

Viktoria Stoykova Content Marketing, Internet Marketing, Video Marketing 0 Comments

In a world where everybody wants to be on top of the search engines, have millions of likes and thousands of followers (at least) how can we put out content which holds integrity and is respectful of our receivers?

Simple – keep the ethos of your brand, live what you advertise & don’t get wrapped up by numbers.

Statistics can be manipulated to show you an unrealistic picture, numbers can be used to sell you something which may not be true.

So, what’s the point of marketing? – You may ask…

22 Jan

How Will Artificial Intelligence Mould & Change Medicine?

Jay Shah Blogging, Building Your Healthcare Business, Healthcare Business 1 Comment

Artificial intelligence (AI) is often mistaken as a 21st century phenomena very much in its grassroots and infancy, however its history dates back to the early 1900s, years before the term ‘artificial intelligence’ was first coined. The first time AI was referred to by name was in 1956 by John McCarthy, an American Computer Scientist who defined it as, “the science and engineering of making intelligent machines[i], but it could be said that the true infant years of AI occurred during the Second World War.