Metrics & Conversions


Metrics & Conversions

Metrics are the indicators of your online performance. Digital Metrics will give you a gauge of how many people visit your website, the kind of people who visit your website, how long visitors stay on your website, where they go and what their behavior is like.

Understanding and monitoring these metrics is key to understanding and increasing the conversions coming through your website. If for example you have built a good-looking website, however there is no traffic, or the traffic which comes on is irrelevant and/or leaves your website straight away, it means that your content may be targeting the wrong audience & therefore you are unlikely to receive any conversions.

At Chits UK, we work closely with our clients to monitor those metrics and explain their implication for each business individually. During our website-review meetings, we dive deep and present to our clients how their website is preforming and what that means in terms of their conversions and results.

If you would like to learn more about how to monitor your metrics and/or to increase your conversions, get in touch with us and we will be happy to help.

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