Patient Interaction and Engagement

How to Get Your Patients to Interact with you

Running a private healthcare practice or speciality clinic can be challenging. There are so many different medical services available to patients and you have to convince them to visit your practice instead your competitor’s. Then, when you’ve done that, you have to create a positive experience and meet their needs sufficiently that they will want to keep coming back again.

Nurturing the modern day doctor-patient relationship is a complex mix. It involves perfecting your interpersonal skills so that patients find you friendly and approachable and they feel listened to, whilst combining those ‘people skills’ with an effective advertising campaign. Distinctive logos to increase brand awareness, a mobile friendly, responsive website with enticing information that encourages followers, sleek video marketing so that prospective clients can ‘virtually’ visit your surgery before they make an appointment, and keyword focused advertising are just some of the ways in which you can encourage more patient activity and gain more referrals.

Using Social Media

The forward thinking doctor uses social media to find patients who are looking for the services he or she provides. Having a Facebook or Twitter page for your clinic gives you the opportunity to post information about new treatments, special offers and research stories about your speciality. Posting regular and engaging content will keep clients interested and create a loyal client group.

Medical blogs can also improve the trust that a patient has towards their doctor and may increase the likelihood of repeat bookings at the practice.

Brand Management

Professional brand management is vital for the successful medical practice. A strong logo and branding for your products, treatment or clinic name is important. Once patients get to know your brand and the values that it represents, it will heighten your reputation as an establishment and make it easier for potential customers to recognise your practice.

Email Marketing

Targeted email campaigns can keep your patients informed of any special offers, health awareness campaigns or other news and are a good way of getting repeat appointments. You can also gain new patients by emailing a bought list of email addresses of people who have previously expressed an interest in your area of speciality. Niche audiences that are already interested in your speciality of medicine, whether you run a fertility clinic or a dental surgery, can increase visits and ultimately your profits.

Keeping Clients Happy

Making sure all your staff have a smile on their face when they greet new patients, and spending less time on paperwork and more time talking to them will make you seem approachable to your clients.


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